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My conversation with Silicon Beach Treatment Center


Eric:  Hi everybody this is Eric from This Is My South Bay.  It’s been a while that I haven’t done a podcast with a guest.  I’ve got a special guest here, his name Adam from Silicon Beach

Adam:  Hey Eric how’s it going?

Eric:  Hey, everything is good.  Happy Friday to you

Adam:  You as well

Eric:  I’m looking forward to the week.  It’s been wet out there and it looks like it’s going to rain over the weekend.

Adam:  Hopefully not as bad.

Eric:  Yeah hopefully.  Well we can use the rain so it’s all good.  Adam is from Silicon Beach, I love the name.  I love the name Silicon Beach, it really stuck.  How did you come up with the name?

Adam:  The name of our facility is Silicon Beach Treatment Center.  Basically silicon beach is the area in which it is.  A lot of the tech giants such as Google, Youtube, Microsoft opened up secondary headquarters down in the Playa Del Rey, Westchester area.  So that’s why they it’s kind of like Silicon Valley 2.0.  So they kind of went with Silicon Beach.  We thought it was a catchy name and I wanted to brand ourselves and our facility as growing with the area.

Eric:  It’s funny because I’ve been in your office and you have a window office.  As I’m talking to you, I see from an airplane landing right there.  You feel like you can reach out and touch the plane, it’s right there.  It’s that low, you’re right next to the airport there.

Adam:  Oh it’s very cool.  It’s a very cool work setting.  I think our clients who come to us on a daily basis enjoy it as well.

Eric:  So tell me what Silicon Beach is about?  What do you guys do?

Adam:  At Silicon Beach Treatment Center we treat people with drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health problems as well as other conditions.  Basically our clients have individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatry and a lot of other healing methodologies to really help somebody recover from issues that they are having

Eric:  So on any of these subject, how would I know if my family member is struggling with drug addiction for example?

Adam:  Sure so there’s several warning signs if somebody a friend or loved one is using drugs or alcohol.  Some of those warning signs could be withdrawal from family, possibly, mood swings, not showing up to work or family events or even just general behavioral changes.  These are some of the warning signs of someone that could be having problems with drugs or alcohol.

Eric:  Generally would you say that people check themselves in?  Or do their coworker boyfriend/girlfriend, family member contact you?  What’s a generality?

Adam:  I would say I could be 50/50.  The most important thing is that the person who is seeking help is willing to get help and is wanting and desiring to actually stay sober.  So whether that process is facilitated by a friends or family members or the patient themselves, they have a great opportunity to stay sober as long as it’s something that they themselves are desiring.

Eric:  Of course, You can lead a horse to water.

Adam:  Yeah exactly.

Eric:  Give me like a recent client where you feel like you made a big difference in their life.

Adam:  Sure, we have a large number of success stories.  It’s really wonderful to see a lot of our patients that come to us from all over the country.  They really make Los Angeles their home, and they don’t want to go back to that environment that they came from, which can be very unhealthy for them.  A lot of them get jobs locally or continue on their own career path.  A lot of them end up working for us later on down the line when they have substantial and significant sobriety time.  It’s very motivating for a current client to look to the left and look to the right and say oh my gosh this staff member they went through this before.  They actually slept in that bed right next to me.  Now they’re taking me to an alcoholics anonymous meeting.  Now they’re asking me to do my chore.  It’s very empowering, for not only that staff member who was a client, but also the client.  They get to see what’s a possibility for them if they can stay clean and sober.

Eric:  It’s an interesting line of work that you’re in.  How did you get into it?

Adam:  So I see the death and destruction that drugs and alcohol cause on a daily bases.  Really everybody is affected by drug addiction and alcoholism. whether directly or indirectly.  And there is a need for it.  There’s a big need to have good facilities out there that truly care about clients and truly want to see people succeed and stay sober.  And really continue on a positive life path from before when they got into drugs and alcohol

Eric:  I’ve been in your office and I see everybody running around and everybody is passionate about what they do.  It’s not just a job for the people working there.  I was very impressed when I was there.

Adam:  Thank you.  I’d like to think that we’ve built a really loving and supportive family.  It’s a very positive envirnment.  It’s very healing for those who are struggling to be in that supportive environment and to be around people who are really supporting them and wanting them to succeed.

Eric:  So if someone needs your services, how would they find you?

Adam:  The best way to reach us is to call our admissions line at 833-LA-Rehab and the digits are 833-387-1640.  If you know who is struggling themselves or any family member who is concerned about somebody that is struggling can reach out for a free consultation.  In addition people who are looking for help for themselves or a loved one can visit our website we are 24 hours 7 days a week to speak to anybody who is looking for more information on our program.

Eric:  Alright, well thanks for coming in Adam, I appreciate it.

Adam:  Absolutely.  Thanks for having

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