All City Animal Trapping Podcast

Eric- Alright, so we are here today with Vic Kuaea . Did I say that correct?

Vic- Yeah. Yes, you did

Eric- Of all city animal trapping. Welcome.

Vic- Thank you.

Eric- I’ve known you guys for a while.  They’re known for humane animal trapping and animal removal. They do awesome work. I was on your Yelp a couple of days ago and I was blown away by your five-star Yelp reviews.  Like, everyone’s raving about you guys. You guys must be doing something right.

Vic-Yeah. We work hard for that. Yeah, absolutely.

Eric-  Yeah, I can see. So tell us, uh, what does your company All City Animal Trapping, do?

Vic- Just anything that has to do with animals, as far as solving any animal issues that you might have in your home or business.  Whether it’s a live raccoon in your attic, or removing a dead skunk from your crawl space under your property and anything in between.  Removing them, keeping them out, cleaning up their mess.  So anything that has to do with any part of any animal issue that you might have. Plus, we also deal with bees, hornets and wasps.

Eric- Oh wow, and you do trapping as well?

Vic-Yeah, absolutely.

Eric- Then you come back.

Vic-  Yeah, it depends on what the situation calls for.  If you had an animal in your garage, we would probably just close the door behind us and not come out until we had it in the trap.  Just remove it by net or hand or snare.  A lot of times animals aren’t there, you know, they’re adept at hiding. They’re trying not to be seen. And we were forced to set traps in some situations.  Then there’s a pheromone treatment that we can do to guarantee too. Get a mother like raccoon, for instance, to remove herself and her entire litter on her own.  In some instances, trapping isn’t the best solution.  Because, if you had that mother raccoon with babies and we trapped and removed the mother, then you have five babies that you don’t really know where they are and we might have to cut them out of the ceiling later, that kind of thing. So, some situations call for a little bit different solution.  But it all depends on what’s going on, you know? No two situations are going to be the same. They’re always unique as far as the property and how it’s built, where the opening might be.  Also what kind of animals, cause there’s a lot of them out there.

Eric-  Okay. How long have you guys been in business?

Vic- This is our 32nd year.

Eric-  Oh, wow. That’s a long time. And I got to comment on the picture behind you with Kobe playing Kobe.  I love that.

Vic- Yeah.  We’re a small company that started off family owned and run, and we’re all born and raised right here. So big Dodger and Laker guys.

Why Not Animal Control?

Eric-  Awesome.  So, tell me how are you guys, cause I think of animal control. When I think of animal removal, how are you guys different than animal control?

Vic-  I mean, we’re both, I have a lot of similarities and we’re trying to help people with animal issues.  But with animal control there, they say they’re limited as to what they’re able to do.  They would, for instance, remove a dead cat that might be in the street or on the sidewalk.  But if it’s in your yard, a lot of times they won’t come.  Every city is different. So some are more hands on than others.  But they do pretty much run the show when it comes to rules and regulations for animal trapping,  Or they tried to police that kind of  thing.  So like in Los Angeles for cat trapping and removal, we need to get a permit from them and they have to sign off on the style of trap that we use. After that, we have to post notices in that neighborhood for a minimum of five days. Then they issue us a permit, then we can go ahead and start trapping.  So they need to make sure that they have the facilities or the room for any animals that we would bring there later. And without that, you know, then we can’t do it.  Cats are pretty much protected in Los Angeles, so the rules are a little different for cats. But animal control is, they’re there, they’re open all the time.  They’re usually out to try and help you as best they can.  But I would say we’re more available.  We operate every day. Actually, they’re closed every Monday.  We both, I try to do the same things as far as helping people.  I think we’re a lot more hands on. They won’t go into your house or under your house or on your roof or on your property if it’s on your property,  it’s your problem,

Eric-  Are they open these days,  since there’s coronavirus?

Vic- They have not been.  We haven’t been able to get a permit and they’re not accepting animals at the moment.  So a lot of different jobs that we would normally do, we haven’t been able to because of those things.

Is it safe during Covid?

Eric-  Okay. And you said coming into the house, given the current situation, is it safe for your employees to come inside of the house of someone to remove?  Like what steps are you taking to make sure that everybody’s safe?

Vic-  I would just make sure we take all the precautions that they tell us to, you know, as far as masks and gloves and booties on the shoes and stuff like that.  But customers will let us know if they want us in their house beforehand or not, or just, some will say that they’ll wait until things clear up a little bit.  We don’t force anybody or anything like that as far as our, our guys. So they’re, they’re all well aware.  A couple of guys that have taken off a month or two when this whole thing started, and that was fine with us.  We’re prepared to wear a little more protective gear, I guess you could say. All of our guys already have respirators and gloves and all that. We pretty much live in crawl spaces and attics.  We operate in dirty areas all the time and deal with wild animals. So, all of our guys already had masks in a box of gloves and a lot of other and booties because we’re crawling under houses.  Then no one wants to track anything into your living room or anything like that.  It was just a little more frequently wearing that gear as opposed to trying to get to be in close proximity with the customer. And now it’s a little more distant, which is fine. Cause a lot of our animal issues that we solve are outside and we don’t really need to go inside.  If we do need to get in the attic and the access is inside, then our guys will ask them, are you comfortable with me doing it or let them know beforehand?  If the problems in the attic, do you understand?

Eric- No surprises?

Vic- Not really. No. No, I don’t think so. And people know as well. They know that for someone to solve this problem, that they need to come in the house, you know?  But like I said, some people will wait it out.  More people are more than not there. They want us to come out right away and same day service and we offer that, so it’s been a pretty, busy.

How to contact All City Animal Removal

Eric- Awesome. So how can people find you?

Vic- A different number of ways? We’ve been around a very long time and  started in the South Bay.

We have a lot of return customers because a lot of times animals use are seasonal. They’ll call us back.  But for a lot of people that aren’t, or that are potentially new customers, they’ll tell us that they found us on Google or on Yelp or Facebook or Instagram. We have accounts with all of the, across all social media, including YouTube.

Eric- You guys are everywhere. So what’s your website?

Vic- Just

Eric-  Okay. Good stuff. Well, uh, thank you. Thanks for doing this with us and I will pass along the good word of All City Animal Trapping to my followers on social media.  You guys be safe.

Vic- You too. We appreciate it very much. Thank you.

Eric-Thank you.

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